The plane lifted ever upward,
maintaining a steady course, even
as turbulence jilted the passengers.
A quick survey out the window revealed
complete immersion into the clouds, though
the storm we had just pulled out of continued
to assail our friends and family left on the ground.
Ever reaching for the great beyond, the plane emerged
high above the clouds, the storm below now a
distant memory, cloaked and carried away.
Here, at the edge of darkness, between
the pillow of clouds and canopy of
galaxy, magnificent color unfurls-
Deep tangerine orange morphing
into aqua blue, light spilling
through their embrace, as
quiet night encompasses
them, lighting their
dance with starlight.
This is my view from
here, and I do not
try to muzzle this
irrepressible smile.
How many times have
I slipped amidst
the gloom of
a rainy
just past
the clouds
Your laughter
ripples luminous
colors to clothe
the bare