Thursday, December 17, 2009


A quaint rhyme and verse
Where the roads diverge...

In all the moments
I've read you, loved you
Breathlessly murmured lyric to enshrine you

Little did I see the web spread
Between the roads, and I

Sweet enchantments of your love
Countless threads of vapor
To hold our past in time

I tread softly
Bright distinct flakes engulf me
The remnants of where I've been
submersed and mislead

The sweat of the struggle
Brushing against the tapestry woven
Sweet broken lies spoken

In this blizzard of recompense
Clawing through the bramble
Reaching these ever numbing limbs

Desperate to be found wanted

With every step
Seeking a break in the storm

I risk finding myself in the clearing
Of the the two roads diverging
Subtle sickly web awaiting

A compass deluded to the point of returning


I Care said...

wondering who you read after.
are you influenced and driven from without or from within.

a little about me...

glimpses of light thought lost and confused.
wandering around aimless, hurting those i collide with.
deep hurt causes hurt.
try to love but don't know how.
given hope. as best the world knows how to give.
enough to learn it's all a choice. what we do, what we say.
no longer a victim, choosing to love.
not an easy thing.

given life, a fresh breath.
but what do i do, lay dormant, don't care.
until the day it all clicked into place.
the word spoken is truth, it is greater then fact!
the facts are this, but the truth is...

but what is truth?
this is what i ask you. do you know.

savengrace said...

the things i read move and inspire me, but what i write moves and comes from within me.

as for truth... let's delve a bit first.

how you know me and how you have my phone number is a big deal to me.

i am assuming you know at least a bit about the transition in my life. i have hurt and been hurt, i have loved and been loved.

it is a choice. sometimes, it's about more than being right or wrong.

it's hard. painful. committing to process through it all, not just cut it off and hope the bleeding stops and nothing gets infected.

it takes time to heal.

time is what i have right now.

Unknown said...

You get paid to write themis crybaby bullshit?