Wednesday, May 6, 2009

endurance is only as strong as the runner...

he rummages through the final pages left
hiding disappointment with every breath

it was always so easy to walk away
put off the big push for another day

far more often the voice that whispered
paralyzed- it wouldn't make a difference to the world

yet here he was failing, and smothering a mix of regret
holding his head high, with hope becoming like wet cement

he was failing, but not failure
will he see, the greater design of the Ultimate Tailor?

weaving pieces together like a puzzle slowly laid
each part of the picture creating a more beautiful display

it's only a matter of time and pain for endurance to endure
but as in every race, endurance is only as strong as the runner

1 comment:

Edward Thornwood said...

this is real good...sounds like someone I know all too personally...endurance is as strong as its runner...time to tie up some laces.